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Factory Lighting Leads To Higher Productivity

by YAHAM | Apr 08, 2019 | Lighting products | 1941

Factory lighting not only needs to meet the illumination needs of different industrial sectors, but also guarantees long-lifetime and durability of luminaires, while saving energy. The most important thing is to ensure the efficiency of employees. Appropriate lighting effects not only help to motivate employees, but also prevent the fatigue of employees, maintain the health of employees and prevent work-related accidents. Appropriate lighting effects need to be comprehensively evaluated in terms of visual execution, visual comfort and visual atmosphere.

Assessment Content

Lighting Factors

Impact On Industrial Production

Visual execution

Illuminance and glare

Operating sensitivity and accuracy

Visual comfort

Light Uniformity and CRI

Employees' work comfort, mental concentration and work efficiency

Visual ambience

The direction of the light, the layout of the luminaire and the color temperature

Employees’ mood, attention and safety

In the industrial filed, the ergonomic quality of the workplace is critically dependent on the ease with which various visual tasks can be performed. Good lighting can have a positive impact on other productivity determinants (implementation, mistakes, accidents). In a pleasant indoor environment, a good line of sight and a comfortable feeling can better motivate employees, make them more focused and efficient. In this way, the quality of the work will increase and the number of errors will be significantly reduced. The risk of accidents is also reduced.

factory lighting

Good lighting can lead to higher job satisfaction and thus a positive impact on health: the prevalence is greatly reduced. Good lighting can also produce more fruitful results, not just to maintain health, but also actively promote long-term good attitudes.

On the other hand, factory lighting will vary depending on the operating department and the content of the work. Lighting methods can be divided into: general lighting, local lighting, hybrid lighting and accent lighting.

Lighting method


General lighting

Uniform illumination set to illuminate the entire location.

Local lighting

Designing a different illuminance for a particular area, such as the place where the work is done, to illuminate the general illumination of the area.

Hybrid lighting

Illumination for a particular visual work to illuminate a part.

Accent lighting

Illumination consisting of general lighting and local lighting.

 Corresponding lighting arrangements for different needs can greatly improve work efficiency and safety while effectively saving energy.

In order to use natural light more efficiently and maximize energy savings at specific times and unmanned states, factory lighting can also be combined with intelligent control modules to control illumination by sensing the illumination of the surrounding environment and the activities of people.

factory lighting

Due to different industries and production environments, the illuminance standards of the factory are also different, and there are different requirements for luminaires.

  1. The general industrial environment is 100~500 lux, and the precision manufacturing environment is generally 500~1000 lux. In the electrical engineering industry, inspection and measurement operations require 1500 lux illumination to ensure safe and accurate operation.
  2. Heavy industry generally requires luminaires with high protection level (IP65 and above), explosion-proof and high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance.
  3. The printing industry requires CRI>90.
  4. The food processing industry requires CRI>80 and ISF certification.
  5. Plastic processing, wood products manufacturing, chemical industry are required to have explosion-proof characteristics.

factory lighting

For factory lighting, only the illuminance standard value is not perfect, and vertical illumination, illuminance uniformity and brightness balance should be fully considered according to the characteristics of the actual operation.

  • Vertical illumination

The illuminance values specified by the standard are mostly horizontal illuminance. In industrial production, many visual tasks are performed on the vertical (tilted) surface, so not only the horizontal illuminance (Eh) of the working surface but also the vertical illuminance (Ev) is guaranteed. In general, the ideal Ev/Eh ratio is 1:3; and when the visual task is mainly completed in the vertical plane, the ratio of Ev/Eh is preferably 1:1 or more. An effective way to increase the vertical illumination is to add local illumination to the vertical work surface, it is also possible to use a wide light distribution luminaire in general lighting because it provides better vertical illumination.

  • Illumination uniformity

This is an important indicator for improving visual satisfaction and reducing eye fatigue. The national standard clearly stipulates that the general illumination illuminance uniformity in the working area should not be less than 0.7, and the uniformity of illumination around the working surface should not be less than 0.5. The illuminance value of the general illumination of the channel and non-working area should not be lower than 1/3 of the general illumination illuminance value of the working area. An effective way to improve the uniformity of illumination is to correctly select the light distribution of the luminaire. For the general illumination of most standard buildings, such as large equipment without large scale, the proper choice of wide light distribution is the most convenient and effective choice.

  • Brightness balance

The ultimate goal of improving the uniformity of illumination is to achieve a good balance of brightness, the illumination is perceived by the human eye as the reflection of the surface of each substance in the work area, that is, brightness.

Under the balanced brightness, the human eye feels comfortable and does not fatigue due to the constant adjustment of the pupil. On the other hand, the resolution of the details of the working object requires a strong contrast of brightness between the details and the background. Therefore, adjusting and selecting the brightness contrast of the field of view for special job requirements is a problem that factory lighting needs to solve in depth.

Choosing the right luminaire for different industry needs can effectively ensure work efficiency and safety.

factory lighting


What Kind of Lighting Is In Line With Its Own Needs? How To Choose The Right Lighting Solution Provider?

Firstly-Be Economical

Increase income and reduce expenditure are the two most important aspects of industrial production. For most countries, industrial electricity is costly. Therefore, energy-saving lighting is the first choice for factory lighting. LED lighting is universally accepted as energy-saving lighting.

Factory lighting

Furthermore, high efficacy LED lighting means more energy saving. In the case of the same lighting needs, higher efficacy lighting can replace lighting with larger wattage but lower efficacy. On the other hand, higher efficacy is not always better. Sometimes higher efficacy brings higher UGR, and high UGR will cause discomfort to the operator's eyes. 130lm/W~160lm/W is an ideal range of light efficacy.

Factory lighting

On the basis of selecting high efficacy LED lighting, the intelligent lighting control system can achieve even more energy saving and improve management efficiency.

intelligent lighting control system

Secondly-Be Effortlessly

The lighting solution provider with good qualifications and accumulated rich cases can quickly provide the best lighting solutions according to the needs of the factory. It will save a lot of time and energy for the factory and achieve superb results.

Thirdly-Once for All

Due to the large horizontal span and the high single-story of factory building, it takes a lot of cost to replace the broken lighting. Therefore, when purchasing lighting equipment, it is best to choose a lighting solution provider that has passed relevant certification, long warranty guarantee and strict QC. Once for all.

Although new technologies and new products in the field of lighting are emerging in endlessly, for practical applications, the three points that need to be considered are to be economical, effortlessly and once and for all. The factory can select and procure lighting fixtures based on these three aspects.

Yaham Lighting has thousands of factory lighting cases around the world, such as FAW automobile production factory, Basic automobile enterprise assembly factory, Spain Citroen automobile repair factory, and Australian food processing factory, etc, so that Yaham Lighting has various kinds of project experiences. Yaham Lighting always insists on providing high-quality, high-efficacy, energy-saving and environmentally-friendly lighting and professional lighting solutions to provide you with the best service.

Author:YAHAM Lighting
We specialize in industrial and outdoor lighting solutions, including LED Sports Lighting, Flood Lighting, Street Lighting, and more.





Address: 118 Yongfu Rd, Baoan, Shenzhen, P.R.China.

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